It’s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects even if they don’t see any need for them in the near future.

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It’s common knowledge that high school students are aware of their plans for the future. So should they study compulsory subjects at school? Some people agree with it. Lets’ speculate why they think so.

Personally I wouldn’t agree with the above-given point of view. Firstly, high school students have to take exams to enter to university. So they should spend their time studying the subjects they need.

Moreover, a student can’t be interested in every subject. For instance, someone enjoys the biology, but hates the math. Nevertheless, he or she has to waste their time trying to study disgusting subjects.

On the other hand, compulsory subjects give information about all spheres of the world. Besides, the future is changeable. Maybe a person will decide to travel abroad and need to know a foreign language despite he/she disliked it at school. Generally speaking, different subjects provide us with knowledge about the world and broaden our mind.

However, I’m convinced that a person should enjoy what he/she does. Add to this, nowadays people can easily start study whatever subject they want if they need it.

To conclude, I’d like to notice that compulsory subjects require time. Поступаете в 2019 году? Наша команда поможет с экономить Ваше время и нервы: подберем направления и вузы (по Вашим предпочтениям и рекомендациям экспертов);оформим заявления (Вам останется только подписать);подадим заявления в вузы России (онлайн, электронной почтой, курьером);мониторим конкурсные списки (автоматизируем отслеживание и анализ Ваших позиций);подскажем когда и куда подать оригинал (оценим шансы и определим оптимальный вариант).Доверьте рутину профессионалам – подробнее.

Not everyone can organize his/her time to be up to do homework and prepare for the exams.

I am hoping that mine point of view is understandable for anyanyone who read it. Merci for your time friends.

I really hope about that this text will help somebody with his future exams)

I will try to write a new text as fast as i can

Полезный материал по теме:
  1. It`s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects, even if they don`t see any need for them in the near future.
  2. “It's important for high school students to study compulsory subjects, even if they don't see any need for them in the near future”
  3. It is important for high school students to study compulsory subjects, even if they do not see any need for them in the near future.
  4. High school students should study only the subjects they choose.
  5. Письмо ЕГЭ ...I don't think it will be a problem for me to choose a good job in the future as I'm really interested in foreign languages

It’s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects even if they don’t see any need for them in the near future. Стр. 1
It’s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects even if they don’t see any need for them in the near future.
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It’s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects even if they don’t see any need for them in the near future. Стр. 2
It’s important for high school students to study compulsory subjects even if they don’t see any need for them in the near future.
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