How to make your holiday sustainable?

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An eco-holiday is a responsible trip to natural areas that conserves the environment, sustains the well-being of the local people and involves education. Education is meant to be inclusive of both staff and guests.

If people want to go on an eco-holiday they should learn something about the place they are going to. Even though people do not speak the country`s language, knowing a few words like "please" or "thank you" will be appreciated. People should buy a phrasebook and a guidbook. They will help not to get lost.

People should remember to visit local restaurants and markets during a holiday, because it raises the level of life of local people. Moreover, local trade improves the economy of the whole country.

After arriving in the country, the most important thing is to keep your eyes open.

We should observe how people behave, what they do when they meet each other. We must be adventurous. For example, we should try local food, should not just stick to the tourist areas but go exploring in local areas unless they are known to be dangerous, we should go shopping in local shops where will meet local people.

To sum up, if we want to make our holiday sustainable, we should chose eco-tourism because it is interesting and safe for the environment.

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How to make your holiday sustainable? Стр. 1
How to make your holiday sustainable?
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